Pin Up Posters Courier Collective

a worker-owned bike-based poster distribution service for cultural and community events

Pin Up Posters Courier Collective has been distributing posters and promotional materials by bike in Pittsburgh since 2008.

Distribution Cycle

We recommend getting us your materials 3 – 4 weeks in advance to allow one week for distribution and a reasonable amount of time for your flyers to remain posted.

We distribute flyers on a weekly Wednesday – Wednesday cycle, but we need to receive your job request by Sunday and your materials by 5 p.m. on Tuesday (unless you have scheduled a pickup). Some of our neighborhoods are every other week (see "Distribution Neighborhoods").

Materials may be dropped off at 460 Melwood Ave.—for your convenience, there is a water-tight box outside so you may drop-off at any time of day—or have your posters mailed directly; make sure to have the materials addressed to Pin Up Posters Collective.

If it isn't convenient for you to drop off your materials, it is possible to arrange a pickup as long as your order is received by Sunday.

Pin Up Posters Courier Collective
460 Melwood Ave., Ste 212
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
(412) 407-7678(POST)